最近在服务器上部署了一个镜像,发现停止的时候很慢,需要 10 多妙。偶然看到一篇文章
docker stop 先会用信号 15(SIGTERM)去 kill,如果在指定超时时间内无法 kill,就会用信号 9(SIGKILL)去 kill。
SIGTERM 和 SIGKILL 区别: SIGKILL 和 SIGTERM 都会终止进程,SIGTERM 会先清除临时文件、释放其它资源,然后再关闭进程,俗称优雅的退出进程。SIGKILL 是直接终止进程。
摘自man signal
No | Name | Default Action | Description |
1 | SIGHUP | terminate process | terminal line hangup |
2 | SIGINT | terminate process | interrupt program |
3 | SIGQUIT | create core image | quit program |
4 | SIGILL | create core image | illegal instruction |
5 | SIGTRAP | create core image | trace trap |
6 | SIGABRT | create core image | abort program (formerly SIGIOT) |
7 | SIGEMT | create core image | emulate instruction executed |
8 | SIGFPE | create core image | floating-point exception |
9 | SIGKILL | terminate process | kill program |
10 | SIGBUS | create core image | bus error |
11 | SIGSEGV | create core image | segmentation violation |
12 | SIGSYS | create core image | non-existent system call invoked |
13 | SIGPIPE | terminate process | write on a pipe with no reader |
14 | SIGALRM | terminate process | real-time timer expired |
15 | SIGTERM | terminate process | software termination signal |
16 | SIGURG | discard signal | urgent condition present on socket |
17 | SIGSTOP | stop process | stop (cannot be caught or ignored) |
18 | SIGTSTP | stop process | stop signal generated from keyboard |
19 | SIGCONT | discard signal | continue after stop |
20 | SIGCHLD | discard signal | child status has changed |
21 | SIGTTIN | stop process | background read attempted from control terminal |
22 | SIGTTOU | stop process | background write attempted to control terminal |
23 | SIGIO | discard signal | I/O is possible on a descriptor (see fcntl(2)) |
24 | SIGXCPU | terminate process | cpu time limit exceeded (see setrlimit(2)) |
25 | SIGXFSZ | terminate process | file size limit exceeded (see setrlimit(2)) |
26 | SIGVTALRM | terminate process | virtual time alarm (see setitimer(2)) |
27 | SIGPROF | terminate process | profiling timer alarm (see setitimer(2)) |
28 | SIGWINCH | discard signal | Window size change |
29 | SIGINFO | discard signal | status request from keyboard |
30 | SIGUSR1 | terminate process | User defined signal 1 |
31 | SIGUSR2 | terminate process | User defined signal 2 |
为程序添加 SIGTERM 信号处理。
只要使用 signal 模块注册一个信号处理事件就行。
signal.signal 要传入两个参数。
import signal
import os
import time
exit = 0
def receive_signal(signum, stack):
global exit
print('Received:', signum)
exit = 1
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, receive_signal)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, receive_signal)
print('My PID is:', os.getpid())
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
if exit:
asyncio 的 eventloop 提供 add_signal_handler 方法,用法和 signal.signal 一样。
这里展示了两种用法,第一种是通过偏函数传入参数,第二种是通过 ensure_future 将 handler_signal 放入 eventloop 里
import asyncio
import functools
import os
import signal
async def main():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(3)
def handle_signal(loop):
print('loop close....')
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('My PID:', os.getpid())
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, functools.partial(handle_signal, loop=loop))
signal.SIGINT, lambda: asyncio.ensure_future(handle_signal(loop=loop))